hysop.operator.external_force module¶
- class hysop.operator.external_force.SpectralExternalForce(vorticity, Fext, dt, variables, Fmin=None, Fmax=None, Finf=None, all_quiet=False, pbasename=None, ppbasename=None, implementation=None, base_kwds=None, **kwds)[source]¶
Generate an operator to compute the curl of a symbolic expression.
Create an operator that computes the curl of a given input force field Fext.
- Only the following configurations are supported:
dim nb_components | dim nb_components
vorticity: 2 1 | 3 3
- What is computed:
tmp = curl(Fext) by using a spectral backend Fmin = min(tmp) Fmax = max(tmp) Finf = max(abs(Fmin), abs(Fmax)) W += dt*tmp
where Fext is computed from user given ExternalForce.
- Parameters:
vorticity (hysop.field.continuous_field.Field) – Continuous field as input ScalarField or VectorField. All contained field have to live on the same domain.
Fext (hysop.operator.external_force.ExternalForce) – Expression of the external force.
dt (ScalarParameter) – Timestep paramater.
F... (ScalarParameter, TensorParameter or boolean, optional) – TensorParameters should match the shape of tmp (see Notes). If set to True, the TensorParameter will be generated automatically.
all_quiet (bool) – Force all autogenerated TensorParameter to be quiet. By default, only the autogenerated TensorParameters that are not required by the user are set to be quiet.
pbasename (str, optional) – Parameters basename for created parameters. Defaults to ‘curl_{}’.format(Fext.name).
ppbasename (str, optional) – Parameters pretty basename for created parameters. Defaults to ‘|{} x {}|’.format(nabla, Fext.pretty_name).
variables (dict) – dictionary of fields as keys and topologies as values.
implementation (Implementation, optional, defaults to None) – target implementation, should be contained in available_implementations(). If None, implementation will be set to default_implementation().
kwds (dict, optional) – Extra parameters passed towards base class (MultiSpaceDerivatives).
- If dim == 2, it is expected that:
vorticity has only one component Fext has 2 components Expected parameters are ScalarParameters or TensorParameters of shape (1,)
- Else if dim == 3:
vorticity has 3 components Fext has 3 components Expected parameters are TensorParameter of shape (3,)